Hi All,
I've got a new food adventure coming up soon. I'll be helping some people open a new restaurant here in Oriental.
The name of the new restaurant is The Sea Shanty. Leo and Marcel Cormier are the owners. Dean, Leo's son will be part of the kitchen crew. I will be also helping in the kitchen. As the name suggests, the restaurant will be featuring seafood. Leo and Marcels' background as commercial fishermen will ensure a steady supply of the freshest fish available. That alone is reason for great optimism on my and many other peoples part. There is a fantastic anticipation around town. People are very excited about a new place to eat. On a daily basis there is a steady flow of people stopping in to see how things are coming along and to wish us well.
We'll be working with a basic menu and feature quite a few daily specials. We've been listening to public input and will try to accommodate some of the many requests.
I'll be trying to keep you supplied with a steady stream of recipes that come along as we go. So, check in on occasion or make a requests if you'd like.
Ciao for now. Garlichut